One thing you will quickly understand when going to Turkey is part of culture involves being very friendly. Turkish families love to meet and greet new friends and think nothing of spending half the day chatting to a stranger while putting the world to rights. People who come from different territories that are reserved may be in awe of the pleasant nature shown to everybody. Turkey visa online has placed organized a guide on Turkish culture and social rituals that you will face when the holiday in Turkey.

Hos Geldiniz.
You will hear this word regularly in Turkey, more so if you go to the old Turkish bars and restaurants rather than establishments aimed at visitors. It means “welcome” and the slogan that you should return is “Hos bulduk” which means we feel welcome. Do not get worried if you forget this phrase or forget to say it as Turkish locals understand that not every foreigner knows the Turkish language.
Men only.
If you are a woman, the only business to be aware of our Turkish tea houses. Traditionally women do not go in there. Instead to see a Turkish tea garden where pairs and families will go. If you have any questions, look at who else is there. Numerous sizes of tables filled with men playing backgammon mean it is a no-go zone for females.

Social gatherings
You maybe find yourself invited to a marriage or a circumcision party by a Turkish person even if you have only known them for a couple of days. The slogan here is the more the happier and the phrase foreigner is not even thought of. Whether alcohol will at the location is dependent on the family and their background.
Turkey visa online is not ready to write down a long list of do’s and don’ts because the Turkish families just want you to relax and enjoy yourself. If there is anything you need to know at the time, then somebody at the event will inform you of what is going on. As a present to give you the credit, purchase small pieces of gold from a jewel shop, or give them money. Gift-wrapped presents and postcards are not generally accepted in Turkey.

An Invite to Their House
Turkish welcome anybody and anyone around to their residence. It might just be for breakfast or dinner. Remember to say Hos bulduk when arriving in reply when they tell you that you are welcome. Shoes in the houses are normally not allowed. Instead, you will be given a pair of slippers.
Now here is what you do need to understand. If you are going around for dinner, make sure you have a big empty tummy. Dishes after dishes will be wheeled out for you and Turkish families do not take no for a response. The main dinner will be big and then afterward will be nuts, popcorn, fruits, cake followed by tea and Turkish coffee.
If the family is from a big town, you will most likely be seated at the table. However, if it is a small village house, a big round stand will be in the middle of the floor and everybody will sit around that to help themselves to food in the middle. If you want to impress them at the end of the meal, say elinize saglik to the cook. This means health to your hands and is the gratitude of a decent meal.

When going around to someone’s house for the dish, you typically follow the women into the kitchen and will help them to prepare the dish. During this time, men will be sat in the living room discussing daily events and chatting. The same applies to clean up after the meal.
If you want to help by cleaning the plates, remember that Muslims do not believe in cleaning or washing things in stagnant water. Hence, there will be a cleaning up bowl, but after they will wash the plates and cutlery under a running tap. That is also the reason why you will not usually find sockets for the sink in hotel rooms either.
So that is your quick presentation of social customs in Turkey. Similarly, if you want to know more and have a question, visit our tourism section