

Turkish Cuisine 5 Most Common Fish

February 11, 2023

From sweets to salads, kebabs, and soups. The best spot to taste delicious flavours is in Turkey. Fish isn’t usually the first item that springs to mind when considering Turkish cuisine. On the other hand, fish has long played a significant role in Turkish cuisine. Turkey offers some of the best fish in the world; however, this depends much on the season. All fish lovers must experience Türkiye’s exquisite range of fish, surrounded by the sea on three sides! The top 5 fish in Turkish cuisine are listed below.

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Fresh Anchovies

One of the most well-liked and delicious fish species in Turkish cuisine is the fresh anchovies, whose name is connected to the Black Sea. This well-known Black Sea resident, whose name means “long and pointed fish,” is portrayed in various ways. Each one is equally wonderful, whether steamed, grilled, or even used in a rice dish. November through February are the ideal times to try these beautiful creatures.

Sea Bass

Sea bass is one of the most mouthwatering fish varieties you may eat fresh in the hot summer months. In the South Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, this large-scale fish is a native species. They come in 12 different species and are prized for their delicious, low-fat flesh. This fish is usually grilled, steamed, or salted and baked in Turkish cuisine. May until the end of September is the perfect season to eat sea bass.

Sea Bream

Sea bream is typically taken off Turkey’s Mediterranean and Aegean coasts. It is one of the most filling dishes in Turkish cuisine because of the weight of the fish. This solid fish has only a few small bones and is delicious. Popular among diners and is typically grilled but can also be put into a soup. You’ll encounter many local fishermen while on vacation around the Mediterranean shore.


The bluefish, often known as the “queen of the seas,” is renowned for having teeth so razor-sharp that they can cut through fishing lines. Grilling bluefish is the finest method to eat it. It is also delicious when boiled, steamed, stir-fried, or baked on parchment, depending on the size. All around the country, but especially in Istanbul, you can taste dishes that are each equally delicious as the next.

Red Mullet

Due to its distinctive red and yellowfin, the Red Mullet is easily distinguished from other fish. The Aegean and Mediterranean Seas are the typical habitats for these deep-sea fish. They can reach a maximum length of 40 cm. red mullets come in four varieties: rock, sand, herbed, and pasha. The absolute best time to consume this delicious fatty fish is around October. It is grilled, baked on parchment paper, or fried in Turkish cuisine.

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