Turkey isn’t just for history nerds, adventure junkies, or winter lovers; it’s even for hitchhikers who want to explore the planet on a shoestring budget and make new friends along the way. Well, indeed! It also allows them to save a lot of money. On Turkey’s quiet highways, the time you’ll waste waiting for anyone to pick you up can barely reach 15 minutes. With a bit of etiquette and an opposable thumb, the first car passing you will most likely wait for you. Learn the fundamentals of the language and history by doing some studying. Even if you’re a female solo traveller in Turkey, hitchhiking is a great way to save money. It will help if you read the entire female hitchhiking guide, which focuses on Turkey in particular. Learning the art of engaging with Turks is the perfect way to stay healthy when hitching, and you’ll generally feel at ease.

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Is Hitchhiking in Turkey Free?
Typically, but not always, the ride is free. Though it is not necessary to give the driver anything in exchange for a trip, it is always a good practice and etiquette to do so. You might, for example, provide them with petrol. So, before you leave the building, make sure you have some Turkish currency on you. Be sure to say para(m) yok before getting into the car if you don’t want to be a free hitchhiker and you’re not the one who hitchhikes because you’re broke. In some circumstances, this can cause embarrassment to some drivers who are willing to support you without asking anything in return.

What Do You Do If You’re Hitchhiking in Turkey?
Following the murder of Pippa in April 2008, Turkey has developed a poor name for female hitchhikers. A slew of other unsettling stories, ranging from trivial violence to near-miss murder and rape incidents, may make you reconsider hitchhiking. There’s no denying that Turkey is a hitchhiker’s paradise, but at the end of the day, you’re climbing into a stranger’s vehicle. So, keep vigilant and buckle up, and if you ever feel like your safety is in danger, hop off and run for your life.
When hitchhiking, keep some handy phone numbers on you, such as emergency numbers, to prevent any needless issues.

To get used to this new style, you’ll need to fly and explore for a while, but before then, be extra careful. It’s always better to hitchhike in Turkey if you obey a set of general rules, particularly if you’re travelling with strangers of the opposite gender.
There is a common misunderstanding in Turkey about hitchhiking Western children. They’re said to be looking for fun making out session with random strangers. Female solo travellers from India may be affected by this view. Making eye contact, laughing, and welcoming compliments can attract male drivers’ unwanted attention. When hitchhiking in Turkey, be extra cautious with your movements.

Tips for Hitchhiking In Turkey
Turkey is not the place to hitchhike in shorts and a tank top; at the very least, long trousers and an unrevealing T-shirt with sleeves that reach your elbows are needed. You could be mistaken for a slut if your outfits are so heavily inspired by westernised society, and you end up wearing something other than this. Here are few hitchhiking survival guidelines in Turkey.
- Avoid hitchhiking in deserted locations.

When hitchhiking, always choose the right spot. Avoid standing in positions where it is very dark, and there is no one around so anyone can take advantage of the situation and hurt you.
2. Not wearing clothing that exposes a lot of skin.

When hitchhiking, keep an eye on your appearance. If you try to hitchhike in tight, provocative clothing, you can get into trouble because people can attack you and doubt your character. It’s best to dress in clothing that doesn’t attract too much attention to your body. If you want to be extra discreet, hitchhike while wearing a headscarf and a long (“Iranian style”) gown that covers your thighs and hides your form.
3. Don’t flaunt your priceless belongings.

Escape awkward circumstances like theft by not flaunting your valuable belongings too much. While wearing expensive jewellery or holding other valuables, Hitchhiking could put your life in danger and put you in an unpleasant situation.
4. Take control of your actions.
When hitchhiking, keep an eye on your behaviour and stance. People can misinterpret your overly friendly behaviour as signs or hints that you are attempting to sell yourself (your body) to them. They could make a sexual proposition to you. Your body language, which can range from basic hand motions to a warm smile, can draw unnecessary attention.

Hitchhikers are genuinely free-spirited individuals. They like going out on their own and discover new sites. If you’re a travel nut, Turkey’s environment, history, and heritage are sure to enchant you. You can have an unforgettable trip through this mysteriously stunning country with a bit of planning and caution. So, plan a trip to Turkey, apply for a turkey visa with turkeyvisaonline now and have a safe journey!